A Race Day
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A Race Day

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

I Corinthians 9:25

And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown.


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm48[/bible]; [bible]titus2[/bible]; [bible]isaia49-50[/bible]


When I was driving on the road, I saw a FedEx van before me, whose bumper’s sticker shows the words: “Every day is a race day”. Yes, we fight with time, struggle in chores and work; after waking up until night.  

In today’s scripture, the Apostle Paul talked about life’s race. Many people in this world compete for the success focused on themselves or his family or his group. On the other hand, the believers focus on how we can live for God in Christ Jesus. Worldly success is about reaching life’s standards such as wealth, authority, power, and social status. Paul called them a “perishable crown”. But believers compete to live their new life so that it will be meaningful for others and to glorify the Lord. That is an “imperishable crown”.

This world chases a perishable and fleeting crown of success. Not so with the believers. We chase an eternal imperishable crown. Our daily routine is quite similar to others’ in this world. The difference is in the values we put in our work and to whom we dedicate ourselves. We, believers, dedicate our efforts to the glory of God alone. Have we walked through this road while finishing the race of life? –SST


The world defines success in reaching life’s standards, but our success is measured by our obedience to God.

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