What Still Remains
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What Still Remains

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Job 1:22

In all this Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong.


Bible Reading for a Year  [bible]psalm41[/bible]; [bible]itimo5[/bible]; [bible]isaia35-36[/bible]


”What do you think of this paper?” a teacher asked her students, showing a piece of large white paper with a small hole in the center. Nearly all students replied that they saw a hole. The paper was incomplete due to the missing piece. But a student reacted very differently. “I see enough space to draw on this paper!” he said.

God allowed Satan to tempt Job. Satan was allowed to take Job’s family and wealth. But God didn’t allow Satan to take all of Job’s: He didn’t allow Satan to put forth his hand on Job (v. 12). His wealth and family might be gone, but not his soul. Satan was not satisfied with it, so he came to God again. This time God allowed Satan to strike Job’s healthy body, but to spare his life (2:6). God always spared things in Job’s life. And to the losses, Job responded well (1:22).

Loss is inevitable in this life. When that happens, we should learn from Job: instead of mourning the loss, we can stay focus on blessings that remain. Even if we lost our life, we wouldn’t lose God, our Father through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ. Therefore, there is always a reason to be grateful. –SWS


Focus on blessings that remain, not on the loss.

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