Planning a New Year
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Planning a New Year

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Ephesians 2:10

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm31[/bible]; [bible]phili3[/bible]; [bible]00job42[/bible]


In the next two days we will enter the new year, did you have a plan for 2015? Today’s verse says that we are God’s workmanship and created in Christ Jesus. We have a divine DNA, and has a divine purpose, that is to do good work God prepared beforehand.

Many times people only focus on themselves, their desire, their plan, their target and their achievement of his life. But when we are born again, we are a new creation, we are not our own anymore, but belong to Christ who died and paid for our life of sin, who then resurrected and sat at the right hand of the throne of God to reign in our lives.

Do you and I set our sights to God as we create a plan for the new year? He has prepared a plan for each of His people. A role has been waiting for us in His great plan to bring tidings of salvation to every creature. It is a unique role, which is devoted to us, just as the heroes of faith in history.

A few days before entering the new year is the perfect time for us to come to Jesus and ask for what He wants us to do and what we should achieve in the year 2015. Because no matter how great or brilliant our achievement is, it would be in vain if it is out of God’s will and plan.


Let's involve God as we are entering the new year, let His Kingdom come and His will be done in our lives.

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