Pharisees on Facebook
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Pharisees on Facebook

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

John 13:34-35

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm144[/bible]; [bible]0john4[/bible]; [bible]iisam15-16[/bible]


I have a friend who loves starting debates. Every once in a while he'll post an article or question on his Facebook page, then send out a request asking people to share their thoughts. These questions can cover every topic from politics to pop-culture, and typically generate good discussion. There was one post however, where things got pretty grim.

It all started when my friend posted an article about a group of Christians who went to a pub to reach people there. Personally, I was pretty touched at the article, but as you might expect on such a hot button issue, not everyone felt the same way.

It didn’t take long before the whole discussion exploded into a big honking argument and I remember leaving the thread in disgust, both by what others had written and how I had responded. The most unnerving part however, happened three days later when I picked up my Bible and read a passage where the Pharisees interrogated a man Jesus had just healed. ([bible]0john9:26-34[/bible]).

We like to think we are different from the Pharisees, but the truth is we're not. The Pharisees were the religious elite of the day, but they were so full of pride at their own self-righteousness, they could not even see the work of Christ when it was literally standing right in front of them. Instead, they argued and hurled insults at their enemy, a man who had done them no harm at all.

As Christians, we must remember that everything we say and everything we do reflects the presence of God in our lives. If we respond to others with cruelty, should we be surprised when their perception of Jesus is twisted? But if we respond in love, than perhaps they’ll begin to understand how Christ sees them. So ask yourself, how does the world see Christ when they look at you?


The world will see Christ when the believers’ life reflects His love.

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