Casting Bread upon the Waters
Kalangan Sendiri

Casting Bread upon the Waters

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Ecclesiastes 11:1

Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days.


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm140[/bible]; [bible]iicor13[/bible]; [bible]iisam7-8[/bible]


Before leaving, a man did not forget to pay for parking of two cars. Every car parking was charged Rp500, yet the man gave the parking attendant Rp 10,000. He looked confused while looking for the change, so the man said that it’s unnecessary to give him his change. He looked more confused and said, 'All of these?'. 'Yes,' replied the man. The man certainly had a reason for not asking for the change—his heart has been moved to bless the parking attendant. Yes, giving is as simple as that!

To cast bread upon the waters is to help others. Those who help others will be helped by others as well in the future. It’s like getting the bread back after being casted upon the waters. Helping others is an act that will never be in vain or gone without trace. However, we might not know when we can find that again.

As we consider at a glance, the Solomon’s words sound strange: to cast the bread upon the waters. Besides, he tells us that we will find it after many days. Sounds impossible, do it?

By the truth is, God wants to show us the true meaning of compassion. As the waters is not suitable place to cast the bread upon, so is being merciful. Be kind to others unconditionally and sincerely, and don’t expect the return.


Those who cast their bread upon the waters will find it, thus they won’t lack of food.

Ikuti Kami