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Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Luke 9:25

For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost?


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm9[/bible]; [bible]matth9[/bible]; [bible]obadi1[/bible]

Ahok once recounted his friend’s saying, “Everyone is worthy”. Ahok agreed, then he said that his refusal to accept bribery is worthy of his own live. As a leader, he said that his responsibility in government is inevitable.

The world offers many interesting things—they even seem much more interesting than ones which Jesus offers. The thought of getting married to man or woman of different religions lulls us. Some people even sell their religion for the marriage’s sake.

Some people also leave their faith for the power’s sake. For money and wealth, one is willing to give his time and energy away. For health and healing, one consults witches and sell his soul to the devil.

However, as we know that Jesus is the source of everything, we stand on the right path. We cling to the right source. Jesus has everything the world offers. What makes it different is, Jesus offers everything with love, while the world with requisite.

Everything the world offers is fake. When the health is guaranteed, actually it demands other thing to sacrifice. When either power or money is offered, we might lose another thing. But what Jesus offers lasts forever—and it is 100% quality guaranteed.

Jesus is the source of everything; we stand on the right path. We cling to the right source. Jesus has everything the world offers. What makes it different is, Jesus offers everything with love, while the world with requisite.

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