Three Times Asked
Kalangan Sendiri

Three Times Asked

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

John 21:17

He said to him a third time, Simon, son of John, am I dear to you? Now Peter was troubled in his heart because he put the question a third time, Am I dear to you? And he said to him, Lord, you have knowledge of all things; you see that you are dear to me. Jesus said to him, and then gives my sheep food


Bible Reading for a year:[bible]Psalm23[/bible];[bible]Matth23[/bible];[bible]Genes45-46[/bible]

Peter had ever denied Jesus for three times when he was asked by saying that he never knew Jesus when He was being judged and put on the cross. Jesus asked him for three times by telling him to herd His shepherds.

The Bible says, after Peter denied Him for three times, he cried sadly. He was so regret for it. After it happened, Peter went back to be a fisherman. He might think that he was not worthy to be His disciple and his sorrow was getting deeper as he had denied Him badly.

However, we might see how Peter could eventually get up from his condition and he was even pro-active in preaching about Jesus. Moreover, after Jesus told him about how he had to die for Him, Peter did not back off. When he was asked for three times, Peter answered it for three times though. Of course, a change happened to him.

The regret always comes late; however, it never makes what Jesus wants in our life. The question is do we truly love Him? What change that He does for us? Have we become His effective tool? When Jesus asks, “do you really love Me?”, what would we say?

In past, there were so much faults and sins that we did. We feel ashamed and are not worthy for it. We feel, we are not eligible to come before Him. However, God constantly accepts and cleans us up . He wants to use us as long as we have a willingness to change. He deserves to be worshipped.

In past, there were so much faults and sins that we did. We feel ashamed and do not deserve for it. We feel, we are not eligible to come before Him. However, God constantly accepts and cleans us up. He deserves to be worshipped and exalted.



Ikuti Kami