The True Salvation from Jesus Christ
Kalangan Sendiri

The True Salvation from Jesus Christ

Zee Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version


John 4 : 14

  “But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

Bible reading for a year : [bible]Psalm22[/bible], [bible]Matth22[/bible], [bible]Genes43-44[/bible]

People’s thoughts are always limited by what’s they see, hear, and feel. That is why there are so many people feeling happy just to find themselves at the first level of God’s salvation.

The first level of God’s salvation can be seen with our bare eyes and be understood generally by so many people: rise from the dead, saved from calamity, put away from disaster, cured from diseases, blessed efforts and business, great job, or getting more money.

As for the true salvation that comes from Jesus Christ, provides minds that are renewed, hearts that are healed, creating a person who is spiritually renewed, the salvation that eventually brings someone to have a personal relation and experience with God.

The True Salvation will keep growing and growing like a seed that is planted and rooted in a fertile land. This True salvation that Jesus gives to us is like a spring that keeps flowing. It doesn’t rely on any religions, laws, traditions, or to human’s intelligence and strength.


Someone can be born again from the Holy Spirit and the Gospel, for the Gospel is not a mortal seed, but a powerful one, alive and eternal.

Ikuti Kami