Peace in the Storm
Kalangan Sendiri

Peace in the Storm

eva Official Writer
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Although we believe and surrender our life to Christ's completely, but sometimes we are weak in faith, and finally hang it on our own strength. We tend to be apathy and set aside the protection of God when problems and struggling come.

Without we believe that all those things are used by God to make our lives ready to receive His blessing. In the story above, there are two important things that Jesus taught implicitly in His statement, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" to His disciples and to all of us, His people.

First, "Why are you afraid?" it is an important question to be contemplated since in fact we still have a timid soul against all things that lurk us. In reality we are "one boat" with Jesus. And if today we are still afraid, remember that the Spirit who is in us is greater than the spirit which is in this world. So, are you still want to be afraid in Jesus?

Second, "you of little faith?" This question has became a confirmation that in fear, there is also a soul which still "lack of trust"; lack of trust towards the greatness of God. Lack of trust when we are with Jesus, we can do great deeds. If today you still not believe it, just remember that in the valley of the shadow of death though, Jesus is constantly faithful to carry us giving strength to the faith and undergoing the struggle. So, are you still not believe in Jesus?

Practice your faith continually stronger each time with His living and blessed words. When everything that we experience, fear and distrust of His presence will disappear.

Ikuti Kami