Wear Perfume
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Wear Perfume

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

2 Corinthians 2:14

But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.

Bible Reading for a year:[bible]Psalm18[/bible];[bible]Matth18[/bible];[bible]Genes35-36[/bible]

Today, perfume has already been a part of life for most people. Of course, when we were among in the crowds, we do not want to have a smell bad, instead we want to have a smell good. Besides, perfumes also make us more confident. From its smells, someone can also be known. But you know, God wants us to have a different perfume.

Perfume is about the intimacy with Christ. When we have an intimate relation with Christ, then the fragrance of the knowledge to God will be attached to our lives. In effect, wherever we go, we'll spread the fragrance of its knowledge. Its fragrance does not only make other people being interested in our lives, they will also ask how could we have the same fragrance.

Therefore, the intimacy with Christ is very important. It does not make us feel confident or look good in the eyes of others, but it is intended for God's name be glorified through our lives and many people will be saved. If today we have this kind of perfume, just believe that God’s favor will follow us wherever we go.

God wants us to be heavenly product sales, a perfume which spreads the fragrance of knowledge to God. Start it from yourself.


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