Wait Till the End
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Wait Till the End

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Joshua 21:43

So the LORD gave Israel all the land which He had sworn to give to their fathers, and they possessed it and lived in it.

Bible Reading for a year:[bible]Psalm17[/bible];[bible]Matth17[/bible];[bible]Genes33-34[/bible]

Ancient Israel's journey from Egypt to the land of Canaan is one of the stories in the Bible that I like the most since the age of Sunday school. I do not know why that is, but I realized, I found a lot of interesting lessons that can I take for my life there.

One thing that really attracts me in the series of events that are noted there is the last story of the Israel journey, when they were at that time led by Joshua who eventually came into the promised land.

According to my opinion, the story was so amazing because I see that there is true when God fulfilled the promise that had ever been spoken to His predecessor before Joshua. In the midst of the spiritual state of Israel which was up and down, He continued to show His private trustworthiness.

Currently, there may be among you who started to have a faltering faith in God. You begin to doubt and try to leave Him because you see and that no change of your circumstances. You feel all the promises that you have received from Him was a lie.

But today let's look at what has happened to ancient Israel. Although many things they went through, but eventually they were brought by God to enter the land which was full of milk and honey.

Therefore, do not falter for a moment on His promise. Wait for it to happen in real life. Just believe, that your faithfulness in waiting for the fulfillment to His promise will never end up in vain.

You do not quickly become frustrated at God because He must fulfill what He has been promised to His people.

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