The Heart Valve
Kalangan Sendiri

The Heart Valve

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version


Put an end to your wrath and be no longer bitter; do not give way to angry feeling which is a cause of sin.


Bible Reading for a year:[bible]Psalm7[/bible];[bible]Matth7[/bible];[bible]Genes[/bible] 

Do you know one of cooking uttensils named pressure cooker? The pot has a cover that keeps it hermetic. When cooking with this pot, the heat stored in the pan will create tremendous pressure and we should not be carelessly open the lid. There is a small valve that must be opened so that the pressure of the hot air out slowly. If the valve is not opened first, then there is a blast of hot air that can harm people around the pan.

Do you know why I tell you about the cooking process with pressure cooker? Anger and fury that we store up in our hearts may result as the pot. Over time, the pressure of anger in our hearts will be even greater. Our emotions can be getting hotter, until at one point at the end, we can explode with anger. Not to one person, even all the people could be impacted, and it is bad for us and those around us.

That is why the psalmist gives a very wise advice, namely stop angry and deliver your fury!

How? It is not easy!

Yes, I agree with you. Removing the anger and fury is not easy. That's why we need to come to Jesus. As the pot has a small valve to release the hot air pressure, we also have it, the valve was called prayer. Tell all the problems you are experiencing, as well as feelings of anger, sadness, hurt or injured to Jesus in prayer. He listens and understands what our feeling. And by His grace, we will be made ​​able to forgive those who make us angry.

Remember to open the valve our hearts often in prayer to God, do not let anger stole the blessing that God has prepared for us.


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