Time to Change
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Time to Change

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Isaiah 43:18-19

Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now shall it spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.


Bible Reading for a year:[bible]Psalm4[/bible];[bible]Matth4[/bible];[bible]Genes7-8[/bible]

Each of us was asked to look forward in experiencing our days of life with a new hope in pursuit of what we dream. In His word, we see God as "Current God". God is always doing new things. God reveals His mercy newly every morning. God says that His grace is enough for today. From all that we can see that there is nothing stale or stagnant in the kingdom of God. God provided fresh manna every day for His people whom are walking in the desert.

We can trust Him to give what we need each day and live with hope in Him day by day. Indeed, the old has gone. In this New Year, let's look at the high calling in Jesus Christ, instead of looking back and regretting what we cannot do. Think about what we have accomplished for the Kingdom of God and then move on and do what you can do this year.

There is no one can go back to the past and start something new, but anyone can start a new thing today and make a new ending. As believers, it speaks to us in asking God to help us every day, and getting into His love. In this way, the focus of our lives will be set on eternal things and not on earthly things. If you have a New Year's resolution, have a commitment to love Him more.

Many people who choose to live in the past, and it just puts them in a dark and lonely life. There is no life in the sea of ​​regret and heartache. This is a place for despair and loss of hope. Each of us has a choice to live in the grace of God and walk in His perfect will, either in success, health and prosperity. Each of us needs a new mindset: we are no longer victims of the past. The past does not rule over our lives. We are more than winners, we are the conquerors.


Each of us has a place to step into a new world when we realize that we cannot change the past. We can and have the opportunity to walk out of the past by holding the Word of God. Today could be the beginning of your new life. Round the determination to move forward and leave the years that have passed behind you.

This New Year will be an incredible year for you. Declare good things on your own life. Declare the Word of God for today and the days ahead of you. Let's proclaim the good news of the Word of God on our lives and others lives on this New Year. ([bible]Pilip3:13[/bible]; [bible]Isaia61:1-3[/bible]).


Living in the past will not take you anywhere. Declare the Word, and step forward then your life is ready to change.


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