Rivers in the Desert
Kalangan Sendiri

Rivers in the Desert

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Isaiah 41:18

I will open rivers in desolate heights, And fountains in the midst of the valleys; I will make the wilderness a pool of water, And the dry land springs of water.


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm119:89-176[/bible]; [bible]icori8[/bible]; [bible]isamu3-4[/bible]


The desert speaks about difficult moments or time of trouble in life. Not all the seasons of our lives are the good season. Sometimes we have to pass through difficult times, famine, sickness, bankruptcy, inflation, recession, and so on.

Such situations might remind us of the lyrics from It Is Well With My Soul. The song was written by Horatio G. Spafford during his grief after his 4 children died in sinking ship in The Atlantic Ocean. Yes, during the sorrow, Stafford could see how God was still there in his life. That’s why he could say many times, “It is well with my soul.”

It was also experienced by Jacob in his old age, when his beloved son, Joseph, reportedly died. Later on, he must accept than his youngest son, Benjamin, was arrested. To him, it’s very difficult to accept the reality, and he called it trouble (see Genesis 43:6). However, by faith, Jacob was hopeful that the Almighty God still be with him and his sons (Genesis 43: 14).

There will be times when sorrow and difficulties disappear in our life. But, shall we have faith and trust that rivers would flow in the desert? God has said that He will open rivers in desolate heights, and fountains in the midst of the valleys (Isaiah 41:18). We might not always see the hands of God with us, but that doesn’t mean that He is not with us. Probably God is allowing us to see the desert while, in fact, He has prepared the rivers for us.

Therefore, we need to realize that God will never leave us. His great love will always be there for us. We should remember and be thankful for this.


The desert is an image of difficulties, hopelessness, and deficiency. However, just keep believing that God is doing something good for you through all of them.

Ikuti Kami