The Art of Facing an Exam
Kalangan Sendiri

The Art of Facing an Exam

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

James 1:3

knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm106[/bible]; [bible]0luke18[/bible]; [bible]joshu23-24[/bible]


Everyone would be afraid of exams, problems, or struggles. People usually prefer to hear about blessings, miracles, success, and victory because those are what make the heart happy. We don’t realize that all of those things will be obtained as we want to pass the test, because there are unexpected blessings and miracles lie behind.

A test is used to measure the quality such as intelligence, skill, and result of learning. It’s quite similar to a test or final exam in the school to decide whether a student can graduate or not. Some tests are used for entering university, such as “SNMPTN”.

A test of life is like a school exam, taken by students who feel afraid, anxious, and nervous. Their graduation depends on the result of the exam. That’s why a lot of students prepare themselves with the best they can. Some join try out and some join private courses. That’s the art of facing an exam!

Those who are able to face the exam well would get great results, and those who don’t prepare themselves well will fail. Therefore, before facing an exam, we need an art to deal with it—an art of testing our ability.

In some cases, we could be mentally well-prepared, but we fail to learn some tested materials. In the other hand, we might have master lots of materials, yet we are not mentally prepared and then we feel afraid, anxious, and worried. James 1:3 reminds us that the testing of faith produces patience. The more we are prepared for the testing, the better the result.


Rejoice during the testing, believe that there’s greater thing ahead after passing the test.

Ikuti Kami