A Crying World
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A Crying World

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Lamentations 3:24

"The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "Therefore I hope in Him!"


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm98[/bible]; [bible]0luke10[/bible]; [bible]joshu7-8[/bible]


A woman was told that her son died in a work accident. At that very moment, she cried a lot. Meanwhile in another family, heart attack has taken away a man’s soul. He left his wife alone. There are many tears. We live in a crying world.

The book of Lamentations is written by Jeremiah, the lamenting prophet. The people of Judah were captivated ([bible]lamen1:3[/bible]); Jerusalem became a heap of ruins ([bible]lamen2:8-9[/bible]); people live in poverty ([bible]lamen2:11-12[/bible]); they suffered too much ([bible]lamen2:20[/bible]); the prophet Jeremiah lamented over and over again ([bible]lamen3:48-49[/bible]).

Nevertheless, Jeremiah still believed in God’s grace, mercy and faithfulness. In the depth of his heart, he said, "The LORD is my portion, … therefore I hope in Him!" ([bible]lamen3:24[/bible])

How wonderful that lamentation is! Here, there’s a fact that cry and lamentation don’t always represent weak faith or lack of trust.

Some of us might think that as Christians, we should always be filled with joy in spite of the despair. Or at least, try to look happy. But Jeremiah’s experience shows us that it’s not true. Tears are natural part of Christianity. However, we give thanks to God because one day the Savior will come to wipe away every tear from our eyes ([bible]revel21:4[/bible]).


Without tears, there will be no rainbow in our soul.

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