It Is Finished
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It Is Finished

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version
John 19:30
When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up his spirit.

Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm95[/bible]; [bible]0luke7[/bible]; [bible]joshu1-2[/bible]

The cross is Jesus' destiny since the beginning. He was born so He would die. His incarnation in this world is for our redeeming us. He was born to die so we can accept life. And as He haa achieved that goal, He summarized it in one sentence, "It is finished."

In Greek, these words are very common. Jesus might have used them after He and Joseph finished making a table in his carpenter's workshop. Jesus might have told Joseph, "It is finished. Now let us have a lunch." That's it. The mission is complete. It's done. It is accomplished.

When Jesus was at the cross, what is finished? The suffering He had to bear is finished. He will no longer be tortured by the villains. He will no longer bear humans' sins. No more, and not even in a second, He will be left by His Father. It is finished. He has done everything.

What else has finished in that Good Friday? The power of satan over us is finished. Jesus came to Calvary to deal with Satan's lies and evil spirits. Hebrews 2:14 says, "that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil." This means that anyone who believes in Him won't be under the power of the sin anymore.

And at last, our salvation is finished. All sins have been taken by Jesus when He was at the cross, and righteousness were given to us! So when Jesus proclaimed "It is finished!" that means God's perfect plan is accomplished. It is done.

At the cross, Jesus accomplished His mission, and there was paying for our sins

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