Love Is A Verb
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Love Is A Verb

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Exodus 20:6

but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm16[/bible]; [bible]matth16[/bible]; [bible]0amos1-2[/bible]

Love drives someone to express his or her feeling. As we know it because of his love to Delilah, even though Samson was entrapped for a few times, yet he told Delilah the secret of his strength. This led to his death.

Because of his love to many foreign women, the wisest king who ever lived was conquered by his wives’ gods and he grieved the Lord. Because of his love to Rachel, Jacob was willing to work for 14 years to Laban. Because of love of money, Judas betrayed his Master. Because of love of God’s house, Jesus was labeled as the sinner and then be crucified.

According to a song, love is a verb. But that’s what love really is. If we merely say, “God, I love you!” but we do not let God know how much we love Him, then it is not love. To love God means to keep the commandments of the Lord and obey them. 

Love is a verb, so we have to make an effort for it. Actions often express things words cannot explain. Actions explain many things. Are there any people you love surround you? Start showing love to them. Start with small things such as kiss, smile, love, time, attention, and more patience that they need.

Beside through words, you should show your love to other people through actions, even the least significant ones.

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