Glory in Tribulations
Kalangan Sendiri

Glory in Tribulations

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Romans 5:3

but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance;

Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm4[/bible]; [bible]matth4[/bible]; [bible]iichr20-21[/bible]


The conversation between a Christian youngster and a wise man occurred in a church.

The youngster: “Would you like to pray for me so I can be more patient?”

The man: “Yes, I would like.”

(Then both of them kneeled and began to pray)

The man: “God, please give the youngster adversity in this morning, give him adversity in the afternoon, give him… ”

Before the prayer finished, the youngster immediately cut off the prayer)

The youngster: “No, no adversity! I ask for patience.”

The man: “I know. But we learn to be patient through adversity.”

In Romans 5:1-5 we learn that perseverance means an ability to be steadfast in tension of adversity without giving up. When the Apostle Paul taught the Romans, he told them that “tribulation produces perseverance.” (Romans 5:3)

Paul said it from what he himself has gone through, how he suffered from being beaten, lashed, stoned, shipwrecked, and persecuted. But Paul was steadfast in the faith and did not give up his responsibility for preaching the gospel.

If nowadays you have tribulation in your life, keep glorifying God. He wisely control over the human’s life. Either you feel joyful or painful; it is designed to build our character until Christ is formed in you.

Anyone who always waits for the Lord will not be wrecked by the burden of adversity.

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