Praise the Lord!
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Praise the Lord!

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Psalm 149:1

Praise the LORD! Sing to the LORD a new song, And His praise in the assembly of saints.


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm91[/bible]; [bible]0luke3[/bible]; [bible]deute28[/bible]


The Prophet Amos has prophesied that in the end times prior to the Second Coming of Christ, there will be massive restoration of praise and worship.

God has promised to restore or raise up the David’s fallen tent (the tabernacle of David). What does this mean? 1 Chronicle 16:1-6 says that in the tent or the booth of David there was the ark of God where King David put the priests as they continually played instruments and praised the Lord. The presence of God was manifested and they could incredibly feel the Lord visited them. Today, the tent of David has gone, but God has promised to restore it; and now is the time for the restoration!

To restore means to return (something) to an original or former condition, or to repair something that has been damaged or that is not working properly means to mend it. Nowadays the restoration of praise and worship is manifested in the churches of God; the spiritual movement occurs everywhere. Whom we should praise? God should be the object and the center of our praise instead of the servants of God, the worship leader, or the musicians. God is the only one who deserves praise and glory.

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