Beyond the Resentment
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Beyond the Resentment

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Job 42:5

I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You.


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm97[/bible]; [bible]0luke9[/bible]; [bible]joshu5-6[/bible]


At his early 17, Joni Eareckson had an accident. He was total paralyzed. The only part of his body that worked well was his neck. In the beginning he was so desperate and angry to God. But thanks to his family and friends’ support, he could be risen up.

Today Joni remains paralyzed, but his life has inspired million of people all over the world. He becomes a speaker in seminar in many countries, paints hundred of paintings with his mouth, writes more than 30 best-selling books, build “Joni and Friends”, the international organization for physically disabled.

And so it is with Job. He used to be so rich but later he lost everything. It seemed like Job has fallen from the high place into the bottom of dark and narrow valley. That hurt so much. But from that moment Job experienced the essential of his life: knowing God personally. When he was rich, he knew God by the hearing of the ear, but now “my eye sees You”.

Maybe some of you are in the midst of resentment and hardship right now. No matter what the cause is, do not be disappointed. Sometimes there’s a pearl of life beyond the resentment and hardship. Similar to what Joni Eareckson had been through, and Job as well. The point is, do not give up and lose hope. God can use things that seem bad to conduct the goodness.—AYA


As long as you don’t give up, you can find the incredible diamond in the end of your hardship that you’re going through.

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