Guarding Hearts
Kalangan Sendiri

Guarding Hearts

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Proverbs 4:23

Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm90[/bible]; [bible]0luke2[/bible]; [bible]deute26-27[/bible]


Imagine house which is great and spacious, but abandoned. There are so many dirt and garbage. Of course the house is uncomfortable and unhealthy. In the other hand, there’s a simple house which is well-maintained and well-organized. It must be comfortable and healthy. We’d like to stay in that house.

And so it is with our life. The darkness and brightness of this life does not depend on wealth or certain facilities, but a well-maintained heart. A heart filled with gratitude will make us view this live positively. Thus, we will not lose joy even though when we go through difficulties. On the contrary, a heart filled with grievance will make us view this world negatively, because it is hard for us to rejoice.  

In building relationship with others, a heart is very prominent. Constructive attitudes manifest a kind and sincere heart. In the other hand, destructive attitudes manifest a deceitful, aversion, jealous and greedy heart—there’s always something bad in every behavior.

Heart is very important to human’s life. In the book of Proverbs we find 131 verses mentioning “heart”. It implies that guarding the heart is necessary; especially guarding the heart from all dirt and garbage of life. So, we need to evaluate ourselves and ask God to clean every wickedness from our heart–AYA.


Live the life in gratefulness makes our moves are way easier.

Ikuti Kami