Defeating Fear, Awakening Power
Kalangan Sendiri

Defeating Fear, Awakening Power

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

2 Timothy 1:7

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm88[/bible]; [bible]roman16[/bible]; [bible]deute23-24[/bible]


One day, a rodeo cowboy had a big bull rehearsal. But before the cowboy was ready, the bull has already smacked him. Finally the cowboy ran hastily to save his life by climbing a 6-feet fence, and with a jump, he passed by the fence successfully.

A few days later, the cowboy returned to the arena, and the bull was not there. Later, he looked at the fence and wandered how he could jump so high. He tried to jump many times but was failed. Why? When the bull chased after him, he had a strong reason to survive, but in the second attempt, he was not hovering between life and death.

Fear sometimes compels us to do incredible things. You must have heard wonderful stories about how people do unexpected things when they are afraid, like a mother who lifts a car by herself in order to save her son, and many more. That is good, indeed, but not all fears lead us to react in positive way; many times in negative way.

The Apostle Paul reminded us that God never gives us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind through the Holy Spirit. Thus, let us allow the Spirit of God to lead us instead of a spirit of fear. Only through the Holy Spirit’s guidance we can react in a right way, even in the most frightening moment.


When fears hinder you, let the Spirit of God inside you lead you.

Ikuti Kami