The Right Choice
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The Right Choice

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Joshua 24:14

“Now therefore, fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River and in Egypt. Serve the Lord!”


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm29[/bible]; [bible]phili1[/bible]; [bible]00job38-39[/bible]


In his last speech in Shechem, Joshua wanted to remind Israelites of their commitment to the Lord. Why should it be reminded? Because all the time they went through sinful life’s ups and downs; their hearts tended to easily change, and they were no longer faithful to God although they had experienced God’s enormous love and kindness.

While getting out of slavery, walking on the desert, and enjoying Canaan, God has shown them miraculous and wonderful things. Therefore, Joshua wanted them to make the right and clear choice about whom they were going to serve!

Finally, the Israelites made the same choice, which was promising to serve the living God. They had to be serious with what they had promised; they had to keep it. If they broke it and serve other gods, God would punish them since He was a holy and jealous God.

The right choice in life determines our future and we have to work it out heartily because God cannot be mocked.




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