Imitating The Leadership of Jesus
Kalangan Sendiri

Imitating The Leadership of Jesus

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Matthew 9:36

But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.

Bible Reading for a Year [bible]eccle3:1-15[/bible]; [bible]psalm145:1-21[/bible]; [bible]prove15:1-25[/bible]


During His ministry on earth, Jesus often showed His disciples compassion on others. He was easily moved when looking at people’s hardship. As a matter of fact, in some occasions, driven by compassion, the disciples witnessed the miracles performed by the Master.

Jesus is an example of leader who cared for His follower’s condition. He did not close His eyes while looking at hungry or weak people. He immediately responded when facing with problems surround Him.

It was more wonderful when Jesus fulfilled His disciples’ needs in order not to get popularity nor good impression. However, He did so because He loved those people (us).

Let us learn from what Jesus had done; that a leader must be aware of his surroundings. He should have high sensitivity of what is happening. He should have answer or solution to his follower’s problems. Moreover, a leader should be the one who love his followers. It is a must and not negotiable.

The question is, how similar your leadership style to Jesus’ when He was on earth. If you feel like yours is very different to His, ask Holy Spirit to teach you. And believe that when you imitate the leadership of Jesus, the result will be better than before.

Jesus is the best example of many things including leadership.

Ikuti Kami