Mission of Christmas, Mission of Salvation
Kalangan Sendiri

Mission of Christmas, Mission of Salvation

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Matthew 1:21

And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm18[/bible];[bible]Hebre12[/bible];[bible]00Job13-14[/bible]

Though Christmas is not yet to come on December 25,  some churches have celebrated it for these weeks. Even most of you have been attending some Christmas services.  We are recalled that the Son of God was born to this world.

Jesus Christ, The Son of God is the center of all God’s plans since this world was created. He, the God, made Himself of no reputation and was made in the likeness of men, died on the cross in order to redeem the mankind. So Christmas is the beginning of His mission in this world at that time.

Christmas should recall us to God’s mission, a mission that we should carry on as what He had commanded through the Great Commission. Christmas comes from God’s heart; the salvation of the souls. Everything that God did moved by His desire.

Today, when we are celebrating Christmas, do we still focus on God’s heart; a mission to save the souls? If not, then all we did is just a ritual which is meaningless. Let us get back and focus on God’s mission, delivering the lost souls by the end of Jesus Christ’s arrival for the second time.

Christmas without a mission to save the souls is just a ritual which is meaningless, since His coming  to this world is a mission of salvation.   

Ikuti Kami