It is Hard to Change
Kalangan Sendiri

It is Hard to Change

eva Official Writer
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Luke 7:30

But the Pharisees and the experts in the law rejected God’s purpose for themselves, because they had not been baptized by John.

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm28[/bible];[bible]Matth28[/bible];[bible]Isaia9-10[/bible]

Every year, 600.000 people in the United States undergo heart bypass surgery. During that time, after they received some medical treatment, these group were constantly reminded by docters to change their lifestyle such as irregular eating patterns, smoking, and even exercise. If they did not do this, their heart conditions will be certainly getting worse and endangering their lives.

It is interesting to know that research shows 90% of patients who apparently had undergone heart bypass surgery did not change their lifestyle even it threatened their lives into death. Why it could happen? The answer is because of the self-righteous attitude. "Isn’t a matter of life and death in the hands of God? It is not determined by my lifestyle!"

People will be more difficult to change if they continue to justify their selves. Luke tells us, there were two groups of people that have heard the word and see the work of Jesus, but their reaction were very different. The first group was the people and the tax collectors. This group was a group of people who directly admit their mistakes, be baptized, and changed their ways of life ([bible]0luke7:29[/bible]. Then, the second group is a group of Pharisees and the scribes. The group which was Written by Luke is the people who "rejected God's purpose for themselves" ([bible]0luke7:30[/bible]). Instead of changing themselves, they even justified themselves while finding Jesus’s mistakes and John the Baptist who preached the truth ([bible]0luke7:33-34[/bible]).

Do you find it hard to change? If so, stop justifying yourself. Because, if you continue to make excuses to condone and to forgive yourself, you will be reluctant to change. Taking yourself with the truth, even if it is hurt. Indeed, it is difficult to change, pain, and takes a long time. However, there will be no progress without any changes - JTI

People who have never tried to change are alike athletes who have already admitted to lost before they competed.

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