The Worthy Fruit
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The Worthy Fruit

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Matthew 3:8

Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm24[/bible];[bible]Matth24[/bible];[bible]Isaia5-6[/bible]

At the moment we repent, we actually become a new creation. We not only believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior, but there are other things that we also have to do, producing fruit which is due to repentance. As believers of Jesus, we must live as He lived.

Our flesh must be defeated for earthly things. There are times when we have to suffer for it, shed tears, sweat, cannot live in peace, but sometimes it needs to happen in our lives.

We must fight against sexual appetite that previously might choke us and make us continue to fall. There are times when we have to live frugally because we do not want to live by the guidelines "is greater than the pole peg". Maybe we have to work hard for a little rice, whereas previously we could easily get a 'handful of diamonds' through corruption.

Anything that was once an advantage for us, we had considered it as trash. However, on the other hand, we should strive to be like Him. If we had already been repented, then bring forth worthy of repentance.

The fruit of our repentance, how we truly repent, will definitely be visible. There are houses hit by the storm and destroyed, but some of them are still standing strong. There are more and more like Jesus but some of them have no desire to live according to the flesh. However, for those who really live in the truth, of course it will produce many fruit, and bless us as well as many others. So, produce the fruits which are due to repentance

We have already believed in Jesus, accepted His salvation and His incredible love. Now it is time for us to produce fruits which are due to repentance. Let's be the people who are more like Him.


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