Soccer without A Goal
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Soccer without A Goal

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Matthew 5:48

Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm21[/bible];[bible]Matth21[/bible];[bible]iiChr25-26[/bible]

Can you imagine a soccer game without a goal? How messy and weird it is. Twenty-two adults are fighting over a ball. Kicking here and there. Chasing the far-off ball, and kicking when it is close by. However, what it is for if there is no goal? Soccer becomes more interesting because there is an intended goal. Every player has a same goal: to score against your opponent’s goal as much as possible.

God created us with a certain purpose to this world. How uninteresting our lives if we just "rolling down" without any obvious purpose. In our gold-verse today, Lord Jesus asks each of us to be perfect as same as the Heavenly Father. Perfect does not mean holy and without blemish. If it is so, we obviously can not be as perfect as God.

In Greek, perfect refers to teleios, from the word of telos which means: the purpose, the end. Someone called teleios if he is fully able to function in accordance with the purpose of why he was created to this world. Thus, the words of the Lord Jesus can be interpreted as: "You shall live up to the purpose God created you".

Then what is the purpose God created man? As written in the story of creation: to "own image and likeness" of God ([bible]Genes1:26 [/bible]). The phrase of "image and likeness" of God, is not just showing our status as the "supreme" creation, but also as a calling duty for us to "reflect" God in life; either His work, love and His kindness - AYA

We live in this world not by chance, but to bring God's mission for the world

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