A Divine DNA
Kalangan Sendiri

A Divine DNA

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Genesis 1:17

God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm16[/bible];[bible]Matth16[/bible];[bible]0Amos1-2[/bible]

Not everybody is born in a perfect family. Those who grew up in a broken home family often grow up without a father's presence. In fact,  the role of fathers is very important.  A study reveals that a boy getting the identity from her father or her parents.

Statistics states if a father had a bad temper, his son will also has a bad temper. If the parents are poor, their children would tend to be living in poverty.

If you are having a similar experience, there is a good news for you. During this time the Heavenly Father is always be with you, and He is a very good father. Your parents may abandon you, but you are the apple of His eye. You are precious in His eyes, and He loves you. 

Upright your shoulder. Upright your head. On your blood cells contained DNA of a King, you are His sons and daughters. In time, the seeds of greatness that God has put in your life will be turned on at the time, and you will fulfill God's purpose in life that God has already set up. All you need to do is ask in faith and act. A divine authority is in your life. 

God created you similar to Him, God's DNA has already existed within you. Living your life as children of God.

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