The Locust
Kalangan Sendiri

The Locust

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Numbers 13:33

There we saw the giants (the descendants of Anak came from the giants); and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm8[/bible];[bible]Matth8[/bible];[bible]iikin7-8[/bible]

Did you know that grasshoppers can move for miles away in a large group that looks like a storm? However, the grasshopper actually could not fly because grasshoppers are thick-bodied insects with straight wings which have small size. But grasshopper can jump two hundred times higher than itself. So what makes locusts can fly?

The answer is: they have a sense like antennae on their heads which can detect the arrival of the wind that blows, and by the help of its winds, they can move for miles away. They will wait while the wind coming towards them, and get the right momentum and jump, that's the time they are flying high. They are doing something that is beyond their abilities with the help of the wind.

We often have ways of thinking which is similar to ten spies who investigate the land of Canaan, seeing any problem like a giant and seeing himself as a helpless grasshopper. But rather than simply lament the fate and despair. Therefore, let's be like David, even though he faced the giant, he has a sensitive sense when the Cairos of God or God's time blows at him. David said to the giant that stood in front of him, "You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. "(1 Samuel 17:45)

David, like the locusts, doing something beyond their ability, and successful, he defeated Goliath, not by strength, but by the power of God. He was sensitive when the wind of the presence of God blows at him. He did not care what the doubters saying, he did not see himself as a young and has a small stature. He saw God who blew the wind up to him and took him flying high above his enemies.

What kind of giant that you are currently facing? Do not get discouraged to any of your situation, keep in mind that the locusts could even do something beyond his limits when he tuned in a momentum of the coming wind. Thus, when we are sensitive to the momentum of God, we can topple the giants which are trying to destroy us. Not by our power, but with the power of God in which we rest and hope. One thing, we just need to be sensitive to His voice and His time.

Do not look at how small and helpless you are, take a look at the great God who is always with you.


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