The Good Things Will Come
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The Good Things Will Come

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

2 Kings 13:4

Then Jehoahaz sought the Lord’s favor, and the Lord listened to him, for he saw how severely the king of Aram was oppressing Israel.

Bible Reading For A Year:[bible]Psalm5[/bible];[ bible]Matth5[/bible];[ bible]iiChr20-21[/bible]

When you feel that you are in the darkness, just proclaim the God’s mercy boldly and there is no one can hold you lying down. The Bible says, “set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming (1 Peter 1:13).

Of course, this verse can be applied to the future blessings that Christians will receive when Christ comes back. But that is the recent truth. In other words, do not give up. Keep believing, hoping, and declare it. Keep living with the thought of God's mercy and He promises that the good things will come to you.
If you want to keep your hope in the Lord, He said that the divine grace will come. You may not be able to see it now, but when its grace appears, everything will change.

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