Why not rather be defrauded?
Kalangan Sendiri

Why not rather be defrauded?

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

1 Corinthians 6:7

Actually, then, it is already a defeat for you, that you have lawsuits with one another. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be defrauded?

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm3[/bible];[bible]Matth3[/bible];[bible]iking21-22[/bible]

That verse is so uneasy to follow. Why do we should suffer for those who did something evil to us? Should we just be surrender and take injustice for a granted even we do not make any mistake? Why are we defrauded though we never do the opposite? Why we should get into it?

It’s humane if we do any defense when someone hurts, condemn, insult, or even defraud us in any ways.  However, since we want to grow up, our problems that related to our surroundings should be identified as a lesson.

Paul says, to have lawsuits at all with one another is already a defeat for you. So, what lesson can we get? Please try to train ourselves, so we could have a life same as the Christ. When He was flogged, He did nothing. What was His fault? As He was crucified, He asked forgiveness instead punishment for those who crucified Him.

Some people may say, “Why I should defraud for the mistake that I didn’t do?” The decision is in our hands. We could stand and take any decision. But the question is, is it already precise? Can we grow up by the decision we take?

If that decision comes from what we learn from the loss and sufferings, then it would be wonderful. By that situation, we will get used to training ourselves for every matter and it would make our spiritual mature in Christ. We will arise and be a winner, even more than a winner.

When we are defrauded, let us learn to follow Jesus. He was flogged but He did nothing. He was crucified even for not a mistake that He did, and He still do it. One day, we will find ourselves being a winner, even more than a winner.


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