It Does Not Become His
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It Does Not Become His

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

1 Samuel 15:30

Then he said, "I have sinned; yet honor me now, please, before the elders of my people and before Israel, and return with me, that I may worship the LORD your God."

Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm148[/bible]; [bible]0john8[/bible]; [bible]iisam23-24[/bible]

Saul had been waiting for so long but Samuel has not come yet; though the Philistines were getting closer and ready to attack. Saul was helpless and all his people trembled. As Samuel did not come in time, as was promised, Saul then offered up burnt offerings by himself so that God would be pleased with Israelites. But what would happen next?

Saul was rejected from being king and God turned the Kingdom over to David. Why? Because Saul did not learn that God’s help comes at the right time. Even though Samuel came late, Saul should have waited patiently because only priests who have a right to offer sacrifices. Saul himself did not come from the Tribe of Levi. He was from Benjamin, instead.

Later, Saul made a mistake again. God asked Saul to destroy all the things of the Amalekites but indeed, he spared King Agag of the Amalekites. He also spared the best of the sheep. Wasn’t it good when Saul confessed his sins? Then why did God turn his kingdom over to David?

Hearing God’s voice means obeying Him, fully trusting Him and knowing that all our efforts are nothing without involving Him or following His direction. That’s what Saul did not realize. He did not consider the Lord as his own God. When he succeeded in taking fatted calves of the Amalekites, he said, “to sacrifice to the LORD your God”. Indeed when Samuel told him that his kingdom will be torn away, Saul said, “Return with me, that I may worship the LORD.”  

Saul did not cling to God, and even his words may reflect that God did not become his and he did not become God’s. It is way different from David. Even though David, as human, committed deadly sins, he always involved the Lord and considered Him as his God. That’s why he wrote many psalms for the Lord, sang and danced with all his heart for the Lord and let Michal despise him. His battle with Goliath was for the mighty name of the Lord, as well.


We are God’s and God is mine. When we realize that and how might He is, then we should be alert to His words. Those who belong to each other should know each other’s mind and are aware to everything they are going through. Indeed we own the almighty God.

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