Cannot be Friends
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Cannot be Friends

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Proverbs 22:24

Don’t befriend angry people or associate with hot-tempered people (NLT)


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm138[/bible]; [bible]iicor10[/bible]; [bible]iisam1-2[/bible]


Normally, people do not accept advice. There are some reasons for it. But as a matter of fact, if we meditate on it deeper, an advice will always bring goodness for those who accept it.

That’s what the author of Proverbs did as written in today’s verse. In Proverbs 22:24, we—the believers—are advised not to befriend angry people or associate with hot-tempered people (NLT). Why? So that we will not learn to be like them and endanger our soul (Proverbs 22:25, NLT).

Some of you might be laughing, consider this matter as ridiculous. But the friendship really affects us. The Apostle Paul had to give this advice to the Corinthian church. In his letter, he warned them to be careful in associating with people, for bad company corrupts good character ([bible]icori15:33[/bible])

We must not show partiality in socialization. However, we need to be wise when we decide to make friends or associate with others. If we choose wrong person, our life might be destroyed and turn away from God.

The angry people are not the right ones to befriend.

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