It Went Too Far
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It Went Too Far

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Ephesians 4:26-27

Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil. (ESV)


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm135[/bible]; [bible]iicor8[/bible]; [bible]ichro5-7[/bible]

Not long ago, I heard a friend who shared the same faith as me said: “Is it okay for Christians to be angry?” “Didn’t Jesus teach His disciples to love each other?” When we take a quick peek at those words, they sound right. But when we look at the Bible, we found that God never warns His people that they should not be angry to others.

Learning from Jesus’ way of life, we can see that Jesus has been angry, more exactly when He found that The Temple of God was used for people selling and buying goods ([bible]matth21:12-17[/bible]). Then, is it okay for us to be angry?

Even though being angry is not prohibited, the Bible warns us more about it. It is written in Ephesians 4:26-27 that in spite of being angry, we should not let the anger lead us into sin. After all, if we get angry, we should not stay angry all day so that we do not give the devil a foothold. In the other words, “Do not let the anger go too far!”

The uncontrollable anger solely wastes you energy and saddens God. Anger also affects our health since it can make you age more quickly and put you at risk for hypertension as well as heart attack.

Therefore, let us take commitment to maintain our anger. Even though we are angry, make sure that our life remains glorifying God.

Anger is useful when it has any purpose and is controllable.

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