Don't Be Angry, Be Patient..
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Don't Be Angry, Be Patient..

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Colossians 3:13

bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do.

Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm91[/bible]; [bible]0luke3[/bible]; [bible]deute28[/bible]


In the world of fast, instant, and competitive communication, some people may be quickly provoked. Day after day, we are unconsciously exposed to media content containing of violence and conflict. Without the proper self-control, we will be quickly provoked.

The requirements for the followers of Christ are patience, and bearing with each other, for patience is part of love, and Christianity is known for its love (1 Corinthians 13:4). Do you know what patience is? Patience is the peace of mind in facing temptation.

Patience is the opposite of displaced anger; an ability to restrain ourselves while dealing with troubles, serenity, forbearance, not in a hurry or impetuous. As a matter of fact, we tend to repay others anger for anger. If so, what would make us different from this world?

Many Christians are not patient enough to wait for God’s help and in the end, they never receive His blessings, aren’t they? When we consider ourselves Christians or the followers of Christ but have no patience, we need to repent!

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