The Disciple of Christ
Kalangan Sendiri

The Disciple of Christ

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Luke 14:27

And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm115[/bible]; [bible]icori3[/bible]; [bible]judge18-19[/bible]


In the New Testament published by Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia (LAI), the word “Christian” is mentioned only six times. However, the word “disciple” appears 319 times. There must be a specific meaning when the Christians in that age were called the “disciples” of Jesus.

As it is known, the disciple’s duty is learning. Jesus is the Teacher and the Bible is the textbook. As Jesus’ disciple, we have to diligently learn the Bible every day. The people of Berea is our example as “they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.” ([bible]0acts17:11[/bible])

Later, “disciple” is closely related to “discipline”. Yes, as the disciple of Christ we need to have discipline. Without discipline, it is impossible for us to have regular devotional time and build the family altar. Without discipline, it is questioned whether we can apply the word of God we received.

Moreover, this is the explanation on the attitude of the true disciples according to our reading: to obey and be faithful to the Teacher. Disciples will prioritize God beyond anything (Luke 14:26); disciples will be willing to suffer for Christ’s sake (Luke 14:27); disciples are willing to release anything of their own (Luke 14:33). Lastly, in anywhere and anytime, disciples serve as salt and light (Luke 14:34-35).

As long as we live, we are the disciples to faithfully follow Christ, the Teacher. Along with Him, we can do anything He wants and teaches. – ACH

As the disciples of Christ, have we really done our parts?

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