Living the Life
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Living the Life

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Philippians 1:22a

But if I live on in the flesh, this will mean fruit from my labor.


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm114[/bible]; [bible]icori2[/bible]; [bible]judge15-17[/bible]

Paul said that to live is Christ and to die is gain. But while he was living on earth, to him it has to be the fruitful labor. It means doing works that may glorify the Lord.

Time goes by, and there will be time when all of us appear before the Almighty. However, before He take us home—which is gain because the sacrifice Jesus has made for us—we need to live this life well.

In living this live, God has given us understanding, wisdom, teaching, knowledge, talent, and all things that we can utilize to glorify Him. Yet many times our focus turns to less important things. Our priority is changed.

But, let us meditate. What is important to us?  Bearing fruit for our eternal life in heaven or temporary life on earth? Is it family, friendship, wealth, honor, happiness that we seek the most? Have we been in the right path that we should walk on or been strayed away?

To live is Christ. Hence, we need to bear fruit for Him. This temporary life should be used for something glorious, which is when we surrender it to the Lord. In whatever we do, do the best and be the light because we represent the light of God.

To us, to live is Christ. In whatever we do, do the best and be the light because we represent the light of God.

Ikuti Kami