One Way
Kalangan Sendiri

One Way

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

John 14:6

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm108[/bible]; [bible]0luke20[/bible]; [bible]judge3-4[/bible]

An old adage says, “All roads lead to Rome”. The adage might be true in the past—but for now, you can go astray anywhere! The road you’re walking on could be completely the opposite of way you should go. The only good way to reach your destination is by viewing the right roadmap or asking someone who already knew the way. 

The road leading to God is narrow. Since Adam and Eve have fallen into sin, there’s an obstacle that obstruct us to reach God: sin. However, God has prepared a map—the Bible—for us. Besides, God also shows clearly the one who knows the way and give us direction towards Him, that is Jesus Christ.

Hence, while He was talking with the disciples, Jesus confidently declared, “I am the way.” This is not boast or shallow thoughts of Him. It is a truth instead, because Christ is the only one who came from the heaven to pay the price for our sins.

Today, if you would like to have your life right on the proper way leading to God, follow Jesus and do not go astray!


Jesus, who died on the cross and rose on the third day, is the only guide to reach God.

Ikuti Kami