Whomever I Kiss, He is The One
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Whomever I Kiss, He is The One

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Mark 14:44

Now His betrayer had given them a signal, saying, “Whomever I kiss, He is the One; seize Him and lead Him away safely.”


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm107[/bible]; [bible]0luke19[/bible]; [bible]judge1-2[/bible]


The Jews kiss each other to perform greeting, and that’s what Judas was doing when he met Jesus. He kissed to greet Him. But, instead of honoring Him, this greeting was a symbol that he would surrender Him to those who had bought his greeting and let Jesus be crucified.

Among all Jesus’ disciples, Judas was called the most educated one. Jesus’s disciples consist of fishers and a chief tax collector. However, Judas was different, and that’s why he was assigned as a treasurer.

In ‘Son of God’ movie that is played recently in theaters, this event was more precisely explained. Judas expected Jesus to be a leader of Israelites and able to fight against Romans instead of the meek one. His wrong perception about Jesus led him to surrender Jesus to the priests. But his act caused sorrow in his heart that he decided to suicide.

Many times we become those “Judases”. We expect God to heal us but he has not done anything yet, and we question Him. It seems like He abandons us, but in the other hand we assume God as the Resolver of our every problem. The most dangerous thing occurs when we begin to suspect Him, consider Him not hearing our prayer and not overcoming our struggle. Don’t let ourselves ‘trade’ God for this temporary life’s sake.

In actions, we may kiss Him, but in our heart we probably ‘trade’ Him while He has given us the best part of Him. He exchanged His life for us. Believe that God is far more powerful than problems we are dealing with. If He is willing to sacrifice His life, what else He would not give us?



If He is willing to sacrifice His life, what else He would not give us? He will give the best for us: the answer of our prayer, struggle, and so on. Just trust in Him and wait patiently.

Ikuti Kami