Overcoming Hurts
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Overcoming Hurts

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Isaiah 43:25

“I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins.


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm103[/bible]; [bible]0luke15[/bible]; [bible]joshu17-18[/bible]


One day, my mother told me about my father’s neglect when she was lying weakly because of sickness. Angrily, my mother explained that my father did not protect and take care of her. She felt hurt and desired to do the same thing when my father fell sick.

Tenderly, I told her that her attitude was wrong. But my mother felt like she could not just forgive my father. At that moment, I understand that my beloved has just let pain and hurt grow in her life.

However, that does not mean the opportunity for forgiving has ended. It’s just like what Christ has done in the Calvary for us; His love was so undeserved. God should not remove people’s sins because we have worried Him with our iniquities (Isaiah 43:24). But God has chosen to blot out our transgressions and not remember our sins (Isaiah 43:25). Because of His love, He decided to overcome the disappointment due to people’s sins.  

It’s difficult for many people to be willing to forgive after being hurt. But when feelings of hurts, being aggrieved, injured, and betrayed are preserved, the effect will be getting worse. Hurts will deprive love in the heart. We shall lose the forgiving love of Christ. If Christ willingly redeemed us from sins, why won’t we willingly forgive others?


 Hurts contaminate the heart and steal God’s love to be spread around to others.

Ikuti Kami