Guard the Tongue
Kalangan Sendiri

Guard the Tongue

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Ephesians 4:29

Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm101[/bible]; [bible]0luke13[/bible]; [bible]joshu13-14[/bible]


A teacher was telling her students that the power of words has to do with people’s response. One of the students stood up and disproved, “I don’t agree with you, Ma’am. How come the words have big impact on us?” Hearing that, the teacher snapped at him, “Sit down, you fool!” His face turned red; he was so ashamed and angry, “I never thought that a teacher like you would be so rude!”

Looking at her student response, the teacher then replied, this time was so gently, “I am so sorry, I am so emotional. I am really sorry.” The student turned calm. Later, the teacher again said, “Look, it takes only a few words to stir up you anger and to calm you. That is the power of the words!”

Some problems in our life are caused by our inability to select the words proceed out of our mouth. Today’s scripture reminds us about how dangerous it will be if we cannot guard our tongue: choosing and sorting out the words unwisely.   

In his book, James compared the tongue with fire—though it’s little, it can burn the forest ([bible]james3:5[/bible]). Fire is useful but scorching, as well. That’s what a tongue can be.

Thus, how important it is to guard the tongue. Speak up only when the words are necessary and can be blessing—the words that calming, comforting, confirming, motivating. In the other hand, if the words are useless and meaningless, even may hurt others and cause divisions and infuriating, then it’s better to be silent. In this case, silence is golden. –AYA 


Controlling the tongue is difficjult, but not impossible, though.

Ikuti Kami