Living in Abundant Gratefulness
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Living in Abundant Gratefulness

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Ephesians 5:20

giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Bible Reading for a Year: Psalms 95; Luke 7; Joshua 1-2


Fanny Crosby wrote more than 8.000 gospel hymn texts. Even though she was blinded at six weeks of age, she did not blame on God. One day, a God’s servant told her, “How poor you are, The Creator doesn’t give you sight though He gives you another gifts.” Fanny replied, “Do you know that if I could ask God something when I was about to born, I would asked Him to let me be born blind?” The God’s servant was surprised. “Why?” he asked her. “When I go to heaven someday, the first thing I see is the face of my Savior!” That really is a heart full of gratefulness.

Paul encouraged the congregation aat Ephesus to live the life as children of God, such as giving thanks always for all things (v. 20). Giving thanks always “for all things” is not easy due to difficulties that Paul himself was going through when he wrote the letter (Ephesians 3:13). To Paul, giving thanks is part of children of God’s growth to be more like Christ. Giving thanks indicates not only that someone gets God’s blessings but also the total surrender to God; that He knows the best.

How about giving thanks in our own life? Giving thanks for all things means more than an expression of joy. Our gratefulness turns into an expression of faith—trusting God who will always work, create, and give the best. –BER


One of the benchmarks in spiritual growth is being grateful in every circumstance. 

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