The God of Ordinary Men
Kalangan Sendiri

The God of Ordinary Men

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Exodus 3:4

So when the LORD saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, "Moses, Moses!" And he said, "Here I am."


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]prove20[/bible]; [bible]ephes3[/bible]; [bible]eccle6-7[/bible]


When Moses became a fugitive and left his country for tens of years, he suddenly had supra-natural experience. He saw a burning bush caused by a bolt of lightning. God was doing something out of the ordinary that got Moses’ attention. And then He spoke:

"I am the God of your father––the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." (Exodus 3:6)

When we hear the names Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, we think of them as great patriarchs of the faith—and indeed they were. But they were just ordinary men, actually. Abraham had lost faith that he chose to follow his wife’s advice to have an offspring. Isaac was a coward; he was terrified when he knew that his beautiful wife would be taken (Genesis 26:7). And Jacob’s faux pas were legendary. Yet these men were powerfully used by God.

It’s as though God was saying to Moses that He is the God of men who have failed. He is the God of ordinary men who have accomplished extraordinary things. It’s as though God said, “Moses, if I can use Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, then I can surely use you. Are you up for that? Are you ready to go to Egypt? I am aware of what is happening to my people in Egypt.”

At that time, Moses was not a young man anymore; he was 80 years old. That is past retirement age. Yet God was saying, “You are just where I wanted you to be. You are just the man that I want.” It seems that God goes out His way to choose the most unlikely candidates. God sees your potential, even when you don’t. God sees you for what you will become in the days ahead.

Today, God is calling your name even though you are not facing a burning bush. He tries to catch your attention through troubles or through people surround you or the circumstances. The question is, “Would you answer the calling?”


God doesn’t need extraordinary and perfect people to accomplish His mission. He only needs ordinary people who are willing to surrender their lives and let Him guide them.

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