What Brings Miracles in Life
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What Brings Miracles in Life

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Matthew 14:16

But Jesus said to them, "They do not need to go away; you give them something to eat!"


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm107[/bible]; [bible]james4[/bible]; [bible]ezeki19-20[/bible]


Many want to see miracles, but how many are willing to be put in a place where they need one? Miracles are not given for our entertainment, neither are they given to build our faith. They are the result of our having faith. Almost every miracle was the result of a desperate need. The greater the need, the greater the miracle.

How great would the miracle have been to feed the five thousand if the disciples had hundreds of fishes and loaves, and just needed a little more? It was a great miracle because they had so little in their own hands with which to do what they were asked by God to do.

When we are called by God to do a task, we often begin to look at what resources we have to perform it. This can be the beginning of our fall from the faith that will be required to do the true works of God. It is at the point that we see our resources running out that we will experience the power of God. What we need to do the true works of God will not be found in our own resources, or our own wisdom, but in the limitless resources of God.

When the Lord told Moses that He was sending him back to release His people from bondage, Moses responded by saying that he was not adequate for this great task. This seemed humble, but it caused the anger of the Lord to burn against Moses. Moses was saying that his inadequacy was greater than God's adequacy. He was focusing on himself instead of the Lord. This is the one thing that may have caused more people to fail to fulfill their calling than any other single factor.

We will never be adequate within ourselves for what the Lord calls us to do. Only the Spirit can begat that which is spirit. We are utterly dependent on the Lord to do His work. True faith is not a feeling of adequacy in ourselves, but rather of our focus on the adequacy of God. The greatest faith is that which can see and believe in His provision in the time of the most pressing need. We need to see every circumstance that is beyond ourselves as an opportunity to see a miracle.

We are about to see great miracles, because He is going to allow us to come into places where we are going to need them. Let us determine now that we are not going to focus on the need, or ourselves, but on Him. Let us prepare for these opportunities by focusing on Him today.


We will never be adequate within ourselves for what the Lord calls us to do. Only the Spirit can lead us and through our faith in Him, we fully surrender and let God do what we cannot do. This will bring miracles in our life.

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