Asking for God's Decision
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Asking for God's Decision

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Joshua 9:14

The men sampled their provisions, and didn’t ask counsel from Yahweh’s mouth


Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm135[/bible];[bible]iiCor8[/bible];[bible]iChro5-7[/bible]


One day Gibeon tricked the people of Israel. They took old sacks on their donkeys, and old, torn-up and bound up wine skins, and old and patched shoes on their feet, and wore old garments so they were unexpectedly presumed from a distant country. They did it in order to be not destroyed by the Israelites.

Three days after the Israelites made ​​a covenant with them, then they were known to come from a country that is close. But it was too late. This is because they failed to ask the Lord.

We often do not ask the parents to an important decision that will affect at future, in fact they could be our advisor. We also do not consider the decision of our spouse or person who will be our partner of life. Especially, we are also same as the Israelites who failed to ask the Lord. This last thing is fatal, because it affects all of our lives.

We need other’s opinions, but we need more ask the Lord. We know that His plan is the best for us; therefore His decision becomes very important for us to know.

If we want to know what He wants us to do, then all that we do must be blessed by Him. It certainly brings blessings, joy, the future which is full of hope, any good things that can happen in our lives. So, start to ask for God’s decision in our lives so that our lives are blessed and be a blessing for others.

By asking for God’s decision in our lives, God knows what the best for us is, of course we will have life which is filled by His goodness. Start to ask for God’s decision in any case and prove it by yourself.


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