Day of Victory
Kalangan Sendiri

Day of Victory

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Romans 8:37

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm119:89-176[/bible];[bible]iCori8[/bible];[bible]Samue3-4[/bible]

Are you facing a lot of struggles these days? If the answer is 'Yes' remember this: we are the people who called more than winners. That means we will face obstacles that must be overcome. We can not have a big win, without experiencing a difficult battle. We will never have a remarkable testimony, if we have never been through trials and difficult times.

Remember that we are the winners instead victims. Even in our physical lineage there are some things that are not perfect, but in our spiritual lineage, we are perfect. Our Father is the one who says the earth and everything in it then created. We as His children are given similar power and authority.

No matter how much our fault, remember that within us lie the divine seeds. God has set our days for good instead of evil. He can even use our negative experiences for the good of us who love Him.

If you are currently struggling to cope with difficult times, let's say in faith, "I'll get out of this experience with doubled joy, doubled peace, doubled honor and promotion." You and I were created to be a winner, do not give up on the state. Keep holding the truth of God's word, and step out in faith. The way out surely open.

By the mercy and grace of God, this day will be my day of victory.

Ikuti Kami