Everything Has An End
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Everything Has An End

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

2 Timothy 4:7

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith


Bible Reading For A Year:[bible]Psalm111[/bible];[bible]0Luke23[/bible];[bible]Judge9-10[/bible]


We definitely still remember to Noah’s story whom lived in ark for hundreds days as God brought come to the big flood so it had filled up the earth. Noah always obeyed what God had commanded into his life. Noah made the ark and stayed inside until its flood receding.

Sometimes we want to get everything instantly. We do not have any forbearance in our hearts so it changes us to be selfish. At particular situation, God is moving His helps with very slow. The reason why He did this because He wants us to getting closer to Him in faithfulness and always rely on Him.

Like Noah’s story, its flood is eventually receding. That’s how God shows us that every waiting has its deadline. It is also same with our hopes, one day we will reach its finish line and have it blessed wonderfully.


Put trust on Lord heartily, hope in each waiting definitely has its finish.


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