First woman who sees Jesus Risen
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First woman who sees Jesus Risen

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Mark 16:9

After Jesus rose early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene him. Of him Jesus had cast out seven demons.

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm92[/bible];[bible]0Luke4[/bible],[bible]Deute29-30[/bible]


From all the people who may have encountered Jesus after His resurrection, He chose a woman named Mary Magdalene. This is very interesting, because in Judaism at the time, a woman's testimony was not so considered. In fact, some rabbis had the wrong idea like a law-book which was better burned than delivered by a woman. But Jesus still chose a woman to be the herald of His first resurrection.

Furthermore, one thing to be noted is that the women always accompany Jesus even when He was crucified and be the first who were in His grave. Maria had more courage than men when Jesus was crucified. She's looked at God grievely whom she loved  through suffering and death on the cross. Even Mary saw when He was laid at the grave of Joseph Arimathea.

Mary’s love and the women, the followers of Jesus is so great, even after the Sabbath, they want to express it to anoint Jesus' body with spices. But the surprising is, the body of Jesus was no longer there. But God understands their love for Him, that's why Jesus appeared to her.

How big is our love of God? Have we seek Him just as the women, the followers of Jesus who are so loyal and brave to face any risk to the Lord with their loved ones? The Word of God which is written by the prophet Jeremiah put it this way, ”And when you call and come to pray to Me, and I will listen to you, and when you seek me, you will find me when you seek me with all your heart, I'll give you found me.” (Jeremiah 29:12-14).

Let us be the faithful followers of Jesus who seek Him and love Him with all our heart, because of His love for us has been demonstrated on the Cross.


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